A New campus of Ramakrishna Missiion, Narendrapur, has been started at Gohaldanga, paschim Medinipur, West Bengal. Erstwhile it was “Gohaldanga Ramakrishna Sarada Vivekananda Sevakendra”, manage by of its trust body and which is handed over to Ramakarishna Mission, Narendrapur on December 2023. RKMA Narendrapur started its full operation from 1st April 2024. “Gohaldanga Ramakrishna Sarada Vivekananda Sevakendra” was founded by Sri Vivekananda Roy and his late wife Purnima Roy. Dr. Vivekananda Roy, is a Scientist, a philanthropist, and alumni of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math and a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna.
After his retirement from teaching and research in America Sri Roy and Mrs Roy decided to India and started philanthropist activities with the idea of Swami Vivekananda in the village Gohaldanga where Sri Roy was born and broughtup. After successful of 25 years of service the centre has been handed over to Ramakarishna Mission, Narendrapur, now it is known as Gohaldanga Campus of RKMA, NDP.
One of the main activates of this campus is running a primary school (Co-education) with 112 students and teacher number is 10.
Other activates are:
1) 2 GAP Unit: Gadadhar Abhyudaya Prakalpa (GAP): A Project for the Holistic Development of the Underprivileged Children.
2) A Computer Training Centre with 14 Computer for basic and advanced computer learning for the local student.
3) Vivekananda Youth Forum – Personality development programme for youth in every week.
4) Agriculture training project for the Village People
Under this training programme The Gohaldanga campus has organized an Agriculture training Camp for 5 Days, Dated on 18-22 June, 2024.
The training was on Vermicomposting, Nursery and Goatary Training for the SC Women Farmers under State Budget (Govt. of West Bengal) Fund.
The Camp Organized by: Agricultural Training Centre, Ramakrishna mission Ashrama, Narendrapur
Needs of the women farmers (SC) of the Gohaldanaga area were identified by home visit and a 5-day training module on the skill development of preparation of Vermicomposting, Nursery preparation and Gotary was developed for conducting a training for the target group (SC Women) during 18-22 June, 2024.
In the inauguration, the Ashrama Monk-In-charge (Gohaldanga), Swami Hararupananda; Sri Vivek Roy, scientist and Dr. Manas Ghosh, Principal of the Agricultural Training Centre addressed the participants. Different important sessions were conducted by the resource persons, like: Dr. Sourendra Nath Das, Dr. Biplab Paul, Dr. Ranapratap Chattaraj, all are faculty members of the Agricultural Training Centre;
Sri Sanjoy Mandal, Asst. Director of Agriculture, Chandrakona-I; Dr. C. Chakraborty, Deputy Director of Animal Resource Development (ARD), Paschim Medinipur; Dr. S. Paul. Asst Director- Tarining, ARD, Paschim Medinipur; Dr. Pritam Choudhury, Block Level Development Officer, ARD, Chandrakona-I etc.
About 82% of the candidates showed their desire to start/ continue in better way the goat rearing; 47% for Organic and Liquid manure preparation and 35% to for quality seedling preparation. About 73% of the candidates expressed their high satisfaction, while remaining 27 % said the training was ‘satisfactory’.