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The Ashrama at Pathuriaghata was started in 1943. The secretaries at Pathuriaghata were Swami Hitanandaji (1943-44), Swami Ajayanandaji, 1944 and Swami Pranabeshanandaji (1944-46) were the first three secretaries there. Swami Lokeswaranandaji took charge of the Ashrama in 1946 and he shifted it to the present premises at Narendrapur during the period June 1956 to early 1958. Following him Swami Mumukshanandaji (1973-76), Swami Asaktanandaji (1976-2009), Swami Suparnanandaji (2009-13) Swami Sarvaganandaji (2013-16), Swami Sarvalokanandaji (2016- 2023) were its secretaries one after another untill Swami Shastrajnanandaji took over in 2023.
Kolkata-700103, West Bengal, India.
Website developed and maintained by Webteam, RKMA Central Office, Narendrapur.